
Stop The Bullcrap

Did that headline get your attention? I hope so because today I am going to hit you all right between the eyes. Here are the facts of life: you are exactly where you are because you chose to be there!!! End of discussion. Your life is as you chose it so stop bitching. Nobody else is responsible for you other than yourself. The fact that things are pathetic are a reflection solely of you and your abilities. I can only presume that you are a pathetic person since that is the result of your life.

Sound too harsh. It isnt. The only way you will succeed in changing is to get hard with yourself. Most of us suffer from the fact that we are way too easy on ourselves. We cut ourselves a break at every opportunity. Excuses work on us all the time and we believe every single one of them. Instead of being an adult and taking responsibility for our lives, we pass the buck by blaming someone else. Hell, you would think that we were all a bunch of politicians the way we pass the burden off to others.

It is time for you to stop the bullcrap and be a man (or woman). Get some kahunas and stand up to yourself. Being a successful adult requires that you take back the power which is within you naturally. Of course, as long as you opt to blame others, they retain the power over you. That makes you very weak.

The reason why I can say all this is because I realize the truth of it in my own life. Everything that occurred (or is occurring) was due to a decision(s) that I made. Nobody ever forced me into anything. I elected to do things of my own free will. Blaming a spouse, employer, or parents is child's play. It is not their fault. The one who created the entire mess that is called my life is me. Nobody else.

I want you to compare the paragraph I just wrote to what you typically hear from the 'victims' of the world. They always have an excuse. Never do they utter the words "I screwed up". Instead it is justification after justification as to why things didnt work out. They do their best to illicit sympathy from all who they interact with. To me, they specialize in the loser mindset. One must first decide to be a loser before it can become reality. Fortunately, the reverse is also true.

Decide today what kind of life you are going to lead. If you are one who wants things different, the first thing you must do is get honest with yourself. You are the reason for all that is wrong in your life. Stop the bullcrap and accept this fact. It is only after then that you can begin to alter things. You must take back the power.

Tomorrow is the first day of the last quarter of the year. It is time to make a major push to finish the year out right. Even if the last 9 months sucked, there is still time to make the necessary changes. Give yourself a 90 day challenge to start doing those things which will change your life. Make the decision tonight to quit conning yourself and move in a different direction. Cease all the blame and excuse making. It is time to grow up. Your life depends upon it.
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The Mind Set The Tone

Have you noticed that the last few posts I wrote focused upon making decisions. While they were not 'decision-making' posts, they did ask you to make a choice. Everything in your life starts in the mind. This is a fact of life. If you desire more, you must decide to have more. It is that simple.

The personal development field is full of terrific books that concentrate on controlling one's thoughts. Think and Grow Rich and As a Man Thinketh are two such works that I can think of.. Both these publications deal with the fact that everything in life is first started in the mind. Before there can be manifestation in the physical world, there must be a thought preceding it all.

Most people feel that success is out of their control. I agree with this sentiment for the simple fact that most people cannot control the thoughts in their heads. Instead of concentrating on definitive actions that lead to absolute results, people tend to focus on all the negativity. This is also coupled with the fact that the majority of the population prefers to be the victim. They automatically take a mindset that states they are not in control. Someone else is always at fault. This leads to the justification for his or her life.

This is a loser's viewpoint. The truth is that your mind sets the tone for all that you do. You must make concrete choices about what you want. Most fail in life because they truly have no idea what they want. Instead, they drift from day-to-day, week-to-week, never moving in any direction. The successful take a completely opposite approach. They have what Napoleon Hill called 'a burning desire'. Nothing will stand in that person's way. Success is going to be had no matter what. This is the outlook of the successful. Compare that for a second to the previous mindset I mentioned.

As you can see, the mind is a powerful mechanism that can be used to assist or destroy. I believe the default setting is destruction, that is why it is so important to consciously take control. As your mind goes, so will your life.
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Half Assing It

I am going to explore a concept that many people tend to specialize in. "Half assing it' is an approach to life that the majority of people have. We see this in their personal lives and in the workplace. Ultimately, this is nothing more than a mindset which leads to lifelong failure.

Recently, there was an example of the outlook that one can have. I have a cat that brought in a bird. Of course, by the time the cat was done with it, there were a few feathers around. So, the natural thing is to clean them up. At the moment I have a houseguest who is the topic of many of my posts. Sadly, for her, she isnt providing information on how to succeed. This is an example of her overall life outlook.

Let me ask you, what do you think happened to the feathers? In short, she did clean up the bird and some of the feathers. Notice the word 'some'. She made the effort to do part of the task. In other words, she did a half ass job. When I surveyed the spot there were still a lot of feathers there. Her approach reflected the way she did everything. She is the epitome of being a 'half asser'.

Why wont people take the time to do things right? I am a believer that most of success is achieved by going that little extra. In a horse race, one only needs to be a nose better to win the top prize. The same is true in life. Those who are willing to do the little extra will separate themselves from the masses. Most people do only the basics. The successful are willing to do whatever it takes to complete the job. It is easy to be a 'starter' but the world pays dearly for people who can finish the job.

Are you one who takes a 'half ass' approach to life? If you are, it might be time to look at all the tasks that you only put forth minimal effort on. Success comes from doing things properly. This is made easier if you have a reputation for 'getting things done'. Someone with a halfass approach to life never attain this. Instead, they opt to concentrate on 'just getting by'.

If you ever want to move forward, it is best to follow through on things until completion. Concentrate all your efforts on the present activity until it is done. Realize by doing this that you are developing a habit that will net much bigger results in the future.
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Weak or Strong

Do you want to be weak or strong? This is a question few consider although most will answer strong. The truth of the matter is that most actually opt for weak. They make this decision on a daily basis.

Few people are willing to do what is required to be strong. Strength is not something people are born with. Instead, it is something they acquire by putting themselves in situations where they learn and grow. The easiest analogy is the way one develops a physical muscle. Almost all of us are born with the same muscles yet only a minor few actually hone these muscles to peak condition. This is done through hard work in the gym and proper nutrition. Those who are strongest work their muscles out the most. Weak people, in this regard, do not.

We can see how this translates into all aspects of life. Anyone who achieves top physical performance chooses it. Action is then taken that follows this decision. This is the model that we need to apply to life in general. Do we choose to be strong? If so, there is action that follows with this mindset.

Choosing to be strong means that we alter our path. Instead of watching mindless television, strength comes from reading books. Taking a chance by starting one's own business is another way that we grow. Failure is one of life's best teachers. Expanding our horizons by trying new things will certainly lead to failure at times. These are opportunities for growth if we are fortunate enough to encounter them.

All great people met with failure before they succeeded. Abe Lincoln lost elections before winning the Presidency. Warren Buffet has chosen many losing stocks in his time. Edison failed repeatedly in the quest of the electric lightbulb. Yet, all these people chose strength over weakness.

So, once again, do you want to be strong or weak? Before you answer this, make sure that you are willing to take the actions that match this decision. Opting for strength requires behaving in a different manner. Are you willing to follow through with the proper action? Ponder this in reference to the first question. They both go together.
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Postive Projecting

Yesterday, I wrote about our tendency to project in the worst way possible. Basically, individuals experience an overwhelming fear because of the fact that we tend to look down the road when confronting a situation and consider the worst thing that can happen. Ultimately, this instills fear in us which prevents us from taking action. We see how things will work out in ways that are detrimental to our hopes. In the end, we are paralyzed from doing anything.

My suggestion in that post was to simply stop projecting. If we go negative whenever we look out into the future, then it is best to stop doing that. This will allow us to focus on the present moment and take the action that is in front of us. Fear cannot exist in this environment since the negative thoughts won't be present. Instead, one will act as opposed to being paralyzed.

Now, I am going to go one step further. We will want to use our projecting mechanism again except there is one caveat that I will include. From now on, whenever you look into the future, see everything working out as you planned. Instead of seeing the worst thing possible occurring, picture the best thing. Imagine yourself achieving everything that you want.

What does this outlook do for us? To start, it allows us to visualize the outcome to a situation without experiencing fear. In fact, we ought to get excited about the prospects we are seeing in our minds. Having circumstances resolved in manners that are favorable to us should always get you juiced. Why picture losing money when you can just as easily see yourself gaining? Picturing her saying yes to a date is more appealing then visualizing a 'no'. As you can see, it takes no more effort to focus positively as opposed to negatively.

One thought that often comes to mind is how does one avoid the 'polyanna' thinking which causes one to lose touch with reality? My answer is that anyone who just is starting to put this exercise into practice will not be affected by polyanna thinking since plenty of negativity will still enter into the picture. Changing one's default mindset takes time. This is the last thing that most people need to worry about.

However, thinking about positive outcomes should not cause one to lose focus on reality. You still need to do proper research. Betting on a longshot horse even though you picture it winning might not be the path to success. Neither is throwing money at the stock market without adequate research or asking a married woman out on a date. One needs to still do his or her due diligence in situations before proceeding. However, once you decide what action to take, picture it working out in your favor.
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Fear Elimination

I will give you a 100% foolproof way to eliminate fear. Forget all the books you read. This FREE tidbit that I will give you will revolutionize your life. You will be able to take any action without a negative thought. Put this into practice and you will be part of the elite that succeeds without effort. So, without further ado, here is the secret.

If you want to eliminate fear, stop projecting!!!

It is that simple. Now you have the ability to take action whenever you desire without the fear that anything bad is going to happen. There is nothing that can stop you from achieving everything you desire. The power is in the simplicity.

Let us take a look at projection and what it does to a person's life. Consider for a moment something that you need to do but are putting off. Why are you resisting taking action? The answer is because you project of what the outcome will be. And, if you are like 99.9% of all people walking the planet, your projections are negative.

The bottom line is that whenever we look at a situation, our minds jump to a 'bad case scenario'. In other words, we see it working out in a way that goes against what we desire. Also, the situation gets compounded when we take a 'bad case scenario' and jump to the 'worst case scenario'. We not only see things bad; we picture the very worst thing imaginable happening. This tends to instill fear in us and reduce action.

Now you can see why we need to stop projecting. It is impossible to experience fear if we mentally remain in this moment. Concentrating our focus upon the task in front of us will eliminate looking ahead. Therefore, we will be able to take action without fear of the outcome. Do what is required and let the chips fall where they may. This is a motto of the successful. No great achievements were ever met without action. Fear is the obstacle that is created by projecting.

Here is an example everyone can identify with: the asking of someone out. Why do people see someone they are attracted to yet resist approaching that person. The simple answer is fear derived from projection. Before even saying a word to this person, one gets it in his/her head that rejection will occur. Any positive results are instantly sabotaged by the individual's mind.

Of course, the insanity is that we do not know what the outcome of any situation will be. There is a saying 'contempt prior to investigation' that sums it up for me. Basically, this means that we negatively deem a situation before we even know what is going to occur. Our minds create scenarios based upon nothing. True facts reveal themselves as situations progress yet our minds believe we know what is going to happen. This is not the case.

So, for right now, the best thing you can do in your life is to resist the habit of projecting. Whenever you have something that requires action, just do it. Do not thing about the different outcomes. Take action and let the chips fall where they may.

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Lazy Minded

There is nothing worse than one who is lazy minded. We see so many who refuse to learn anything past their school years. They believe that education stops with a diploma. Sadly, these are the ones who tend to occupy the lower rungs of society. A simple fact is that there are many people who are mentally unprepared to excel in the new economy. To many are stuck in the 1950s mindset where one had a job for life. As we all know, this is not something that anyone can bank on anymore.

The 'new economy' is one that moves at a lightening pace. Technology changed how we interact with each other and it is an arena that moves rapidly. What is revolutionary today is often obsolete in a couple of years. Therefore, people need the ability to learn quickly since things change so radically. Failure to do so means that many are left behind.

Lazy mindedness is a disease. It is something that one opts for yet is just as fatal as cancer. It kills all progress and motivation. Those who spend countless hours in front of the television on mind numbing programs cease to learn. Instead, they allow the years to go by without any improvement. In life, there is no standing still. One is either moving forward or backwards. Those who refuse to learn and grow find themselves retreating by the simple fact that society advances.

Perhaps it is the aging process but it seems that I encounter more people today who really have no clue what is going on. It seems to me as if they are walking zombies. Their mental makeup reminds me of someone who is in a daze. I watch them listlessly go about their day with no excitement or signs of life. This is something that I attribute to being lazy minded.

The fact is that reading allows one's imagination to grow. Our world is in desperate need of dreamers. These are the people who create solutions to the major problems that we have. Edison, Einstein, the Wright Brothers, etc... They were the ones who thought bigger while adding a big of sci-fi to our reality. People who watch endless television do not enjoy that ability. Instead, they become mindless boobs sitting like a bump on a log. Their mental faculties shut down.

Success is not a result of being lazy minded. As mentioned, the world needs innovators. We all need to regularly exercise our mind by learning. This means picking up a book and reading. Or you can try your hand at a new hobby which requires learning an entire set of skills. Whatever the method of learning, we all need to put ourselves into situations where we have the opportunity to grow. This is the only way to prevent the disease of a lazy mind.
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This is something that has become a national pastime for many. It seems as if everyone has built in alibis as to why things do not progress as they want in their lives. If you ask most people why they do not live the life they want, they will present you with a litany of excuses. Placing blame is something that most are adept at.

I just finished reading "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. If you have not read this book, I highly suggest it. This is one of the classic personal development texts and one that could change your life simply by adhering to what is contained in there.

Hill dedicates a portion of an entire chapter to the creation of alibis. In fact, he lists 50 that people commonly use. It is amazing to read through the list and see how many I hear on a regular basis. People are 'alibi machines'. They can present a reason for anything that puts the responsibility upon someone else.

The successful do not do this. "Think and Grow Rich" is the result of decades of study of the most successful people in this country at that time. The wealthy approach life differently then everyone else. And, that difference is in how they think about things. Making excuses is the opposite of taking personal responsibility. Those who are successful know how important it is to remain in control.

Did you ever think about the consequences of presently alibis? Do you realize that making excuses reduces your power to nothing? I bet you never thought of this concept but, if you reflect upon it, you will understand how accurate it is.

When I place the blame for a situation on someone else, I am deferring my ability to change the situation. In essence, for change to occur, that person must change. This puts me in a position where I lack the power. Whenever someone else is responsible I am powerless. Consider the situation with a young child. The adult has all the responsibility, thus he or she wields the power. It isnt until this being starts to age that the power structure changes.

Those who exhibit personal responsibility in each situation are the ones who maintain the power. And, this is an easy thing to achieve since most are willing to give it away. When one owns up for all that is transpiring, then that person only need to fix him or herself. The power to change oneself is always available while the power to change another never exists. Resisting the temptation to blame is seeded at the core of this behavior.

Take the time to look at those situations where you present an alibi. Why wasnt something completed as you intended? What is your default answer? Do you automatically go into the 'blame mode' to save face and make yourself look better? Many do this and are quite successful in the short-term. However, this soon becomes a habit which is a detriment to one's personal growth. Success doesnt coordinate with alibis. Success is the result of effort which produces results that are either desired or an opportunity to learn. Presenting alibis is nowhere in the equation.

Remember this tidbit the next time you find yourself making excuses.
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Right Where They Are Suppose To Be

Everyone is exactly where they are suppose to be. This is a fundamental truth of any adult life. Anyone who denies this shows that he or she is a believer in the victim mentality. Sadly, this is the prevalent mindset for the majority of people.

Anyone who is of adult age is not a victim. Children are the exception since they are not in control of their lives. Instead, their existence is predicated upon the choices of others. Adults cannot make this same claim even though they try to do it. This is where the victimization enters the picture.

Personal responsibility mandates that you are the one who makes the decisions in your life. Everything that occurs is a result of choices that you made. Nothing is left to chance. Each situation in your life is a consequence of a decision you made. Simply follow the chain of events backward until you see where you made a decision. It was your decision that created your present circumstances.

This is true for all people. Everyone is exactly where they are suppose to be. The only reason people experience the things they do is because of the decisions they made. If anyone wants anything different, he or she must make a choice to do something different.

People love to blame. They want to point the finger at someone (or something) else to absolve themselves of all responsibility. Their inertia is always the fault of someone else. At the same time, there is always an excuse for any failure in their lives. Of course, this is the mindset of the unsuccessful.

Forget whatever happened to you in your life. Accept the responsibility for the choices you made. It matters none what your upbringing was. So what if you didnt exactly experience a "Norman Rockwell" household; nor did most people. Allowing your childhood, education (or lack thereof), or parents to dictate is playing the victim. And this is where the downfall begins.

We are now a nation of victims. The country is fill of people who believe others are "more fortunate". Through this logic, they are thus less fortunate. With this mindset, you can see how easily it is for one to be a victim. Once again, it is other people's fault.

The truth is exactly the opposite. People are not victims unless they choose to be. Anything that happens in life is because you put yourself in those circumstances. If you want to take control of your life, this is the first thing you must accept. After that, you can start to change if you are willing to. And that is the clincher...if you are willing to.

If you want to change your life, you must be willing to take the action. This begins with reading and study that which you do not know. Your education did not stop with your exiting from school. To many, this will come as news. If you desire to get ahead in this life, then continual study is part of the curriculum. Those who forgo this step doom themselves to the whim of others. This is simply how it is.

Always remember, you are right where you are suppose to be. If you want something different, then you must do something different. Take action and move in another direction. That is the true path to happiness.
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Creative Legacy

We are creative people. This is our natural state. If you doubt this, look at a child. The imagination is active 24 hours a day. This is a being that understands what it means to have "no limits". He or she go as far as the imagination will carry. All possibilities are open.

Adults take a different path. They look at life as a series of limits. "Being responsible" is more important creating. Over the years, this muscle starts to deteriorate until we are left with nothing. Life becomes a listless journey that is endured. Ultimately, all the passion and inspiration exits. Is it any wonder that most are simply enduring the days until "something better comes along"?

Recently, I wrote a post about a person passing decades before is commonly expected. We all know people who left us way too early. However, my question is what legacy did they leave behind? Are there any works that reflect the life that was lived? If she was like most, the answer is there is nothing but memories of those who knew her. Her entire existence now exists in the minds of her loved ones.

The only problem with this is that once those people are gone, her memory will die with them. Consider someone in your family from a couple of generations ago. In my family, my father's father passed before I was born. Naturally, my dad and his siblings have an intimate knowledge of the man he was. Yet, when that generation passes, so does the memory of my grandfather since the next generation never met the man. This is commonplace for most people.

From what I understand, my grandfather was a good man. He lived in an era, the Depression, that caused many to struggle. He was no different. Many jobs were worked to provide for his family. Nevertheless, the creative genius that exists in all of us was not bred. Nothing was left behind.

Contrast this with the artist that was Paul Newman. Millions of fans watched his films over the years. He was a creative genius by Hollywood standards. While most of us never met the man, we all feel we know him through his films and interviews. There is a legacy left behind that will transcend the generations. People will be watching his films for years to come. You need only to look on a site such as IMDB.com to see what his legacy is.

We all have this ability. It is a natural desire to create. Unfortunately, "artists" are not well viewed in most cultures. We prefer the successful as opposed to the eccentric. The traditional "starving artist" is not highly regarded. Realism is favored.

Fortunately, we live in a time where it is easy to create. The computer age made it a lot easier for those with limited abilities to start developing a creative legacy. Anyone can start a blog and express his or her thoughts for anyone to read. Writing is a wonderful way to leave place an everlasting stamp on your life. Once your ideas are out there, they remain forever.

Publishing books is also a piece of cake as compared to years ago. The Internet is full of companies that will allow you to self publish. It costs nothing in many instances until a book is actually ordered. This is a radical departure from the era when the major publishing houses offered the only true route to getting something published. Creative genius is easier to express.

Perhaps you have the eye of a painter but lack the skills of Picasso. Today, people create magical pieces using a mouse as opposed to a paintbrush. Graphic artists are just as creative and leave the same legacy as painters. Their work can endure the passage of time.

The bottom line is there i no reason for you to start building a legacy to your life. What purpose do you serve for being on this planet. Few will remember anything about my grandfather beyond the stories that were told. However, the words that I am writing here, once I publish them on this blog, will remain for as long as the Internet exists. Somewhere a search will be able to uncover them since these words will be imprinted on the Internet DNA. They cannot be erased.

Start designing today. Begin the process of making your life worthwhile. It is up to each of us to leave a creative legacy for all to see. Imagine what it would be like to look back upon your life and see a long listing of works created. That is the ultimate way to fulfillment. Make a recording of your life. You will be happy that you did.
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The Ultimate Cost of Procrastination

"Get busy living or get busy dying"

This is a quote from the movie The Shawshank Redemption. Tim Robbins character uttered it to Morgan Freeman's shortly before he broke out of prison. The basic gist was that each of us has a choice to make.

The reason I bring this up today is because I was chatting earlier with someone who lost a friend of hers. This person passed away at the age of 46 of an apparent heart attack. The death was sudden and painless. She met her end many decades before anyone would imagined.

Whenever I come across something like this, I get very reflective. How much time do I have? It is a question that none of us know the answer to. Realistically, today could be the last day for any of us. Life is a crap shoot in this regard. We are allotted a certain amount of time and when it is done, it is done.

The above quite is something that we all should remember on a daily basis. It is baffling to consider how much time we waste since we do believe it to be unlimited. Sure, we all know we are going to die. Nevertheless, most of us presume it will be decades in the future. This allows us to push down the road all the while wasting away the present moments. Our lives are full of "I will do it tomorrow".

There is an old exercise that self help experts put many of their students through. It starts with taking a piece of paper and writing on the top "what would I do if I only had a year to live". The exercise consists of simply answering that question. Imagine yourself with a terminal illness that means you would expire one year from today. How would you spent your remaining time? Contrast this with how it differs from what you presently do on a daily basis. I guarantee you will see a drastic difference between the two of them.

This brings me to everyone's favorite ally...procrastination. Getting back to the person I discussed earlier; do you think there were things she would have liked to do before she departed? If she is like the rest of us, I am sure there was. The same can be said for her loved ones. Each of us has things we would like to experience. However, we get caught up in the daily grind and tell ourselves we will get to it "later". Sadly, for this woman, there is no later. And, in truth, there might not be for us either.

The ultimate cost to procrastination is the sacrifice of your life. Most of us spend our lives busy "dying" that we fail to live. Instead of experiencing joy and happiness on a regular basis, we occupy our time with anger and worry. At the same time, we opt for the path of safety which causes us to miss many of the fruits of life. Fear is our primary motivator causing a life of stagnation. We are walking zombies.

Today is the time to make the decision to live. We all know people who passed on. Make a commitment to their memories to pack all you can into this life. Opt for saying "yes" instead of "no". Go out on a limb on a regular basis and take some chances. Many times you will be rewarded. Make the choice to get busy living.

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It Is Not Fair

"It Is Not Fair!!!"

This is a line that every parent heard on numerous occasions. It is a sign of childishness and immaturity to utter these words. A child is perplexed that the older brother gets to stay up 30 minutes longer. "It is not fair that I have to go to bed now when Johnny gets to stay up later". And most parents respond with something like "well, that's life".

However, how many times do we heard adults mention the same mantra. We promote the "it's not fair" mindset in all we do. At work., we feel it unjust when someone else makes more money than we do. It is an outrage that our buddy gets all the women and we pick up the leftovers. When our neighbor has a nicer car we are envious at his "luck". All these ideas convey the same message about the inequality of life.

And that is the main message of this post. Life is based upon inequality. Those who understand it can thrive. The ones who insist on having things equal are doomed to mediocrity. Inequality is a part of the natural world and that is where man exists. To deny that we are part of the Animal Kingdom is the basis for all hypnosis. Religions and psychology has spent centuries convincing of us our "higher selves". The truth is that we are subject to the same laws of nature as every other living being.

There is inequality in everything we do. We are not all created equal. Some people are simply better athletes. Carl Lewis, as an example, possessed incredible natural talent that he developed over the years. Few are blessed with his ability to run and jump. The same is true for Michael Jordan. His skills were honed but there was a natural ability that was basically unrivaled.

On the intelligence end, Einstein is universally agreed to be a genius. He embarked on an intellectual campaign that lasted most of his life and resulted in some of the greatest innovations in the history of man. Most of the 6 billion+ people walking the planet lack his intelligence.

Now, we are confronted with the situation of asking ourselves whether it is fair for these people to have so much ability when we have far less. The answer is "of course it is". Life is not meant to be an exercise in fairness. Instead, it is where one takes what he or she has and makes the most of it. That is the ultimate test. What did you do in the process with what you were given? Trying to get what others have will lead to failure. You need to forge your own path.

Accept the inequality that is life. This is a major step in unleashing your power. There are many who will make more money than you. Guess what...they deserve it. Those people will get promotions at work or open up successful businesses. They will capture the mate that they desire while you might flounder. Along the way, you will encounter some who are not deserving but still receive. Get over it. Life is not fair; never was and never will be. Playing the fairness card is a victim's mentality and one that should only be reserved for losers.

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Big Thinking

Over the last few weeks, I stressed the importance of one's thinking. All success is first created in the mind. Between our ears is the greatest computer ever invented. It has the power to create whatever life we desire. However, to do that, we must first learn how to utilize it.

Our minds are limitless mechanisms. Children realize this fact because they implement its capabilities on a daily basis. Watch children playing and you will realize how they are not limited by the time/space paradigm. They easily transcend from one moment to the next; from one age to the next.

Adults do not seem to operate in this realm. Instead, we adhere to the laws erected of limits and boundaries. Over the years, we find that our thinking becomes smaller and smaller. Society teaches us to be realistic in all that we do. Sadly, great achievements are not ground in realism. People who are able to create magical results first do so in their minds. They are people who are refuse to limit themselves mentally.

Probably the greatest of these people was Albert Einstein. He is the epitome of grand thinking. There was nothing that he encountered which he mentally deemed impossible. All ideas were open. His lack of limitations enabled him to have many breakthroughs.

How much would your life differ if you were able to implement a similar mindset? I surmise that you would instantly change your outlook upon things. There is so much more that is possible in your life if you will simply believe it. I find that most sabotage themselves before they start. This is something that you need to resist.

Becoming a "big thinker" is a challenge. Years of limitation takes its toll on our mental computer. One of the first things that we need to do is to start stretching the capabilities of our mind. Dreaming is the method that we do this. It is time for you to awaken that inner child and tap back into those dreams of your youth.

Expanding your thinking is a scary proposition for most. Fear is a constant ally for so many of us that it is bound to enter into this realm also. Most of us are conditioned to play things safe. However, life by its very essence entails risk. Getting out of bed in the morning is a risky proposition for some. There are no guarantees other than the fact that we all get 24 hours to invest as we see fit. How we opt to spend this time is a direct reflection of how we think about things. Limited thinking equals limited results.

If you want to improve your life, expand your thinking. Do not place limits upon anything. All is possible if you are willing to engage in it. Approach every situation like Albert Einstein with all possibilities on the table. The only limits to what you achieve are the ones you set down for yourself.
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Hold Onto Your Dreams

Why do people get bored? What is it that makes them feel that there is no hope? Many feel that life is really mundane. To tell you the truth, when each day is the same as the previous, life can be mundane. There needs to be something more that we all embrace.

Dreaming is something that is natural for us as human beings. As children, we have an overactive imagination. There is nothing that we cannot conceive in our minds. It is a limitless exercise which knows no boundaries. At that age, we are not conditioned to understand how to implement limits. To us, all is possible.

Contrast this with adults. As we mature, we learn to be "realistic". We are taught to assume responsibility and do those things that responsible people do. "Get a job and provide for your family" is the mantra. Dreamers are ridiculed as being unrealistic. In short, our childhood dreams are flushed out of us.

This is something that happens to most of society. It is no wonder that most are unhappy. Their lives are nothing more than a series of compromises of their dreams. Everything that came so naturally as a child is discarded in an effort to be mature. We learn to be realistic in our choices. This means letting go of our dreams.

Fortunately, there is a certain percentage of the population that doesnt subscribe to this mantra. These are the people who are the creators in our world. They hold onto their dreams as a lifeline. Nothing will deter them from what they imagine in their minds. Success is something that they go after in all instances. Life is invigorating since each day is spent in the pursuit of what is truly wanted. Everything is a stepping stone to something larger.

If you are to be truly moved in your life, you need to hold onto your dreams. Resist the temptation to be "mature" by discounting those ingrained desires that you have. There is absolutely no reason why you should settle for anything less that what you truly want. Society teaches us we cannot have it all. That is simply a form of conditioning. You can have it all if you are willing to dream big enough.

"Smallness" is an epidemic in our culture. Most suffer from small thinking. The ability to dream is completely out of practice. Instead, they trudge through each day hoping something different will arise. In the end, nothing ever does. Success in life is only available to those who are willing to go after it. Conforming to society's whims is a guaranteed way to achieve mediocrity. True success comes from living your dreams.

Hold onto them for dear life. They are your lifeline to happiness.
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When does change occur? What is the point that it takes hold and things are different? The answer to these questions is that change takes place in a moment. Regardless how long it takes to get to the point, all change happens the instance we decide to do something differently. This is true no matter what the circumstance.

This is a lesson that anyone who was addicted to drugs or alcohol understands. One will travel down the path of substance abuse until he or she reaches the point where going on is no longer possible. Once one truly avails oneself to the addiction and firmly decides "no more", then the path to recovery commences. However, as long as that person harbors a reservation that he or she can continue as such, the addition will win out. Nothing changes until the decision to quit is made.

All aspects of life are exactly the same. Change occurs at the point on resolves to make it. For example, a weight issue is something that many people battle. Most have endured the yoyo diet where they lose some weight only to put it back on again. The reason this happens is the person does not resolve to change. He or she might opt to follow a different diet plan for a spell which nets results. However, over time, the old behavior is engaged which results in the weight going back on. In the end, no change was made.

Here is something that most do not like to hear: you can change anything in your life. There is nothing that is beyond the capability to alter if you are willing to do it. This process starts with making a true decision. Tony Robbins defines a true decision as "cutting off any other possibility". What this means is that you affirm in your mind that you will reach whatever goal you are setting down for yourself. The change will take place "no matter what".

Ultimately, one needs to get to the point where he or she has had enough. Pain is a wonderful motivator. Many seek to avoid it. Do not fall into this trap. Embrace pain and what it has to offer you. Failing to do so will shortchange yourself. I once heard that we all need 100% of our own pain to make the changes in life that we need to. Until we reach that point, everything is fleeting.

So, have you had enough? Are you tired of being overweight? Is that dead end job finally struck you down to the point where you cant stand another day of it? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make the necessary changes in whatever areas you desire? Will you do everything you can to make your desires come true? Can you make a "true decision" or are you just continuing to hope?

All change is within your reach. You just need to decide that you want it. When you do, the process is started.
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Live Like You Are Dying

This was a hit song for Tim McGraw a few years back. It is one of those that is really inspirational. Part of the theme is to tell the listener to live like he or she is dying. The reality of things is that is exactly what is happening to each of us. Shakespeare wrote that we start dying the day we are born. Each day brings us one step closer to the end.

I write this not to sound morbid but, rather, to awaken all to the fact that life is short. Nobody wants to look back over his/her life with regret. Yet, most do. How many of us put things off until tomorrow, next week, or next year. The truth is that time may never arrive.

The time to get started is now. Life is passing us by each day. Most of us approach things like we have an eternity. We never know when we will be at the end, thus we feel there is plenty of time. In turn, we put our dreams on hold. Life becomes nothing more than a waiting game.

The successful take a different track. They know that time is a limited resource that is meant to be invested. Instead of wasting each day, put those hours to profitable use. If you want a return on your time, use it wisely. Remember, unlike money, you cannot recoup time that is lost. One it is gone, it is that way forever.

"Live like you are dying". Imprint this motto firmly in your head. Consider the idea of how you would live your life if you found out you only had a year to live. How would plans for tomorrow change? Would you still do the same things that you have planned? Or would you do something different?

My question is how do you know that you do not have only a year to live? None of us are aware when we will be out of time. Getting started on the dreams we have is an ideal approach. Putting everything off until tomorrow is a surefire way to have regret. When you look back over the years, do you want to have a path wrought with I wish and I should have? Or do you want to be able to lay your head down with a smile on your face knowing that you gave it all you had? If you are like most, you want the latter. The way to get this is to live like you are dying.
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This is a fan favorite of all the victims out there. Nobody can be a good victim without making excuses for all that happens in life. Whatever the circumstances, there is always a reason for it transpiring. Personal responsibility is not in the cards for these individuals.

The successful take the exact opposite track. They know they are responsible for all that happens in their lives. This is how they retain power. Whenever I blame someone (something) else for what occurs in my life, I am giving that person power over me. When this happens, if I want change, I will have to wait for that person to change. This is not the definition of personal power.

Whenever you encounter someone who is continually making excuses, rest assured that you are dealing with one who comes from a place of weakness. Their conditioning is such where they need to play the victim in everything they do. And, a victim never wins. Remember that.

The simple truth is that there are times when things do not occur as planned. Business deals go awry. The stock market goes the wrong way. You one and only love runs off with another person. Life is full of surprises. This is true for everyone who walks the planet. Nobody has a crystal ball to predict the future. The strong know this and accept what happens. The weak make excuses.

One of Warren Buffet's investment criteria with looking at a company is the strength of management. When looking at the ability of a CEO, Buffet says to read the annual reports. In his estimation, this is where you can garner the type of person leading the company. He looks for those who stand up and take the blame when things do not go as planned. Everyone makes mistakes. Buffet wants to deal with someone who doesnt make excuses while trying to pass the blame to someone else.

You should expect the same thing in your life. If you are one who habitually makes excuses for things that happen, it is time to stop that behavior. You are free to decide whether you are going to come from a place of strength or weakness. Making excuses is always a weak man's approach. The strong take responsibility.

The same concept applies to those around you. Involve yourself with people who resist the desire to place blame and make excuses. Cut these people out of your life like a surgeon does cancer. When it comes to your success, these people are just as fatal.
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Willing To Do It

One of the main secrets to success is having the willingness to do what others aren't willing to do. It is that simple. Success is nothing more than a path to follow. Nevertheless, most are not willing to put forth the effort to achieve the ends desired. Instead, they seek the easier way which keeps them in the middle of the crowd.

Fear is the primary reason why people walk the safe path. I would say that most people have aspirations of something more. In addition, the knowledge exists to achieve almost any goal one has. Therefore, the only thing that prevents one from taking the necessary action is fear. This is the stumbling block that most cannot overcome.

Life is a risk. Ask anyone who almost got hit while crossing the street. Each year, hundreds of people drown in their own bathtubs. I could list an assortment of other routine activities then ends in death. Yet, most of us do not give a thought to partaking in these activities because the probability of success is so high. Thus we achieve our ends without a thought of fear.

Now, compare that to the idea of starting your own business. How does that resonate with you? If you are like most, your excitement is coupled with fear. Thinking about losing that "paycheck" is a scary proposition for many. Projecting forward, people often look at all that can go wrong. In the end, fear stops moving forward no matter how exciting the potential payoff might be.

We see this situation repeated over and over. Why do you now not invest in the stock market? Is it because you are afraid of losing money? If you do invest in the market, why do you not invest in options which have a much higher payout? Is it because you heard of the increased risk and are again afraid of losing money?

The bottom line is that people make money in the stock market, trading options, and starting businesses. Those who overcome fear are able to enjoy the rewards. Certainly, I am not saying any of these routes is easy and without effort. Nor will I state there are not risks associated with each one. However, those who are able to overcome fear are able to profit.

All successful people do the things that others are not willing to do. While many enjoy a cocktail at happy hour after work, those who get ahead remain at the office late. Or they invest time outside work studying their craft. They will involve themselves with self-improvement programs in an effort to progress. Motivation, knowledge, and an increased ability are daily goals. This is a drastic break from the mainstream.

Start to look at those areas of your life that will separate you from everyone else. Focus your actions on achieving successful ends by doing what others are unwilling to do. It is in those areas that you will find your key to achievement. Success is simple if you are willing to go for it. Most are not and that is how you can separate yourself from the crowd.
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The Next 60 Days

People want change. They want to do things differently. Yet all the talk in the world changes nothing. Action is what is key. Doing things in another way reaps rewards. Sadly, few ever make the leap opting instead to follow the same path. This is why their lives never change.

The time to start making the change is right now. Of course, this is a well known fact. Many begin to make the changes only to stop after a few days. We see this behavior repeatedly with the same results.

I found the key to lasting change is to get after things for a couple months. It is so difficult to go from inertia to activity. We all experienced this when we start working out after being stagnant for a while. Our muscles hurt until we strengthen them to the point where they are accustomed to exercise. Most people quit before reaching this level. Instead, they fall back to doing what is comfortable.

So, the time to start the changes you seek is right now. The next 60 days will be the time when you create the habits that lead to more successful. Getting started on a different path takes energy and focus. The years of conditioning of doing things that did not work are deeply ingrained within us. Success habits are required if we are to excel.

You task is to make a list up of what you are going to do over the next 60 days. What areas will you focus upon. This is an exercise where you do not focus so much on results as opposed to activities. We are not creating a "goal" list. Instead, we want to draw attention to the actions which create habits that ultimately lead to our goals.

For example, let us say that you want to lost 50 pounds. That is the goal. I can presume that you set a time frame for the completion. How are you going to go about achieving this end? This is where the 60 day breakdown process enters the picture. We can state that walking will be involved. What days of the week are you going to walk? Put that on the list. State how long you will walk and how far. Then each week increase it by 15%-50%. You can do the same thing with the other exercises that you will do and the diet changes you will make. Following this for the next two months will create habits that lead to your ultimate goal.

Momentum is an rarely talked about commodity when it comes to success. It is far easier to keep something going once it is started than it is to get started. Take the exercise example again. What is the hardest part about working out? Many find that simply getting to the gym is the most difficult. Once someone is there, he or she simply does the exercise routine. But, ahead of time, there are all kinds of mental excuses as to why one should not workout on this day. Momentum allows us to "keep rolling".

Use the next 60 days to develop momentum in all areas of your life. Start to make the changes today by listing all the actions you want to take. Following through on this will enable you to succeed with much less effort than you imagined. Momentum is a power ally once you begin to access it. The 60 day concept does just that. Get started today.
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The Winner's Mindset

A lot is made about the mental outlook people have in regards to success. The reason is because success first starts in the mind. Everything that transpires originated as a thought. Therefore, having the right mental conditioning is of paramount importance. Fortunately, for those who are seeking to get to the top, the competition in this area is limited.

Most seek to be comfortable. This is true no matter what facet of life we are referring to. People simply do not like pain and leaving one's comfort zone can be painful. Rejection, failure, and disapproval are things that we are all taught to avoid. However, they are also the exact qualities which are needed for substantial success. Look at anyone who accomplished any great feat and you will realize that all these were experienced on multiple occasions.

The winner's mindset is what separates him or her from the rest of the crowd. Quite simply, people at the top think differently than others. For example, Warren Buffet doesnt think about making a few dollars in the stock market. His mindset is tuned for billions. Making $10,000 is something that does not interest him. The same is said for Tiger Woods in the field of athletics. He seeks to win every golf tournament that he enters. Many are out there looking to make the cut (the 36 hole cutoff which makes the difference between going home and getting paid) whereas Woods is seeking to put himself in position to win.

As you can see, what you focusing upon at the start directly affects the results you achieve. Those who set their sights low usually achieve that level. However, success can be increased simply by lifting your standards. It is an activity that costs you nothing and anyone can do. Focus intense attention on how you think and you will increase you success substantially even if all other things remain the same.

To illustrate this point, I will use the reverse scenario from what I just mentioned. What happens when the winner loses the mindset that made him or her so successful? As you can guess, performance goes down. Tiger Woods is an example of this here also. His play this year after his off the field developments is abysmal. Some are questioning whether he should even be playing. Woods' confidence is shaken. The invincibility that he had is gone. On the golf course, he is again a mere mortal. The winning edge in his mind is removed.

Some will attribute his poor play on losing his swing coach or some other minor points. The truth is that Woods is beating himself with his mental state. His ability has not dwindled in the least. It is his mind that went south and took his game with it.

If it can happen to a champion like Woods, it can happen to you. On the bright side, however, is that you can also (re)capture the mindset the moment you decide you want to think like a champion. Of all the obstacles in life, the most powerful are those we erect in our minds. Remove them and the path to the top is much easier.

My challenge to you is to stop thinking like everyone else. Most people have aspirations of being comfortable. If you dont believe me, just ask them. Ask 100 people what they want most out of life and that is what most of them will tell you. They want to be comfortable by living a conservative lifestyle. Remaining in their comfort zone is where they view happiness. However, success lies in the discomfort. Stretching your thinking to include all that is possible is the starting point. Expand your world by expanding your mental conditioning. This is how you are going to change your life. I know because I am one that did that exact thing. Follow this prescription and I am certain you will get similar results.
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Give 100%

"If you are going to do it, you might as well do it right"

Have you ever heard this saying before? This is something that I was told over and over many years ago by my grandmother. I think this was her favorite saying. Of course, being a child/early teenager, this was the last thing that I wanted to hear. It drove me nuts each time I heard her say it.

Over the years, this saying has taken on new meaning for me. While it is obvious at the surface level, this statement actually contains a great deal of wisdom. When I looked at it deeply, I soon realized that this simple saying held a key to success. Implementing it is a clear path to high achievement.

We need to define something before we can have a clear understanding of what this statement means. When we refer to the word "right", what does that entail? To me, doing something right means performing that action to the best of my ability in that moment. Certainly others have expectations about how things should be done. However, I may or may not be able to perform to their desired ends. This does not necessarily make me "wrong". If I am acting in accordance to the best that I can offer in that moment, then I am doing it "right".

This brings us to another facet of this concept. What is the best that I can do? The answer to this question is what I write about regularly on here. All the techniques I mention all comprise what it takes for me to be the best I can be. For example, 100% focus is something that instantly increases my chance of success. When I concentrate my efforts exclusively upon what I am doing, I find my performance increase substantially. This is one thing I can do to perform at my best.

Another component is to give 100% effort to the task. This might require me changing my mindset especially when I am asked/required to do something that I do not particularly enjoy. Nevertheless, holding back effort because I detest something is not operating at my best level. Perhaps I need to focus upon the fact that my motivation is lacking and increase my level by quantifying it. Whatever is needed, I should look at doing to operate at my best.

This is what "doing it right" means to me. Simply, if I am following this concept, I am giving 100% to my present activity. I understand mistakes will be made but they act as a teacher in my book. Giving 100% effort is one of the easiest methods to separate yourself from the masses. Most operate fall below their capability. Remember this when you are faced with a task. Whatever level you are at, double your effort. You will notice instant results.

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Balls Of Steel

The title of this post refers to exactly what the imagery produces. To be successful in life, you need to have "balls of steel". In others words, being weak is a sure path to failure. One needs to be confident and sure of oneself while traveling up the ladder. Look at anyone who is at the top of any field and you will see how they were able to keep forging ahead in spite of challenges.

Success rarely comes easy. The path to the top is wrought with all kinds of dangers. Many give up their dreams too easily; the moment they encounter resistance. This is not the mindset of the successful. They believe that they will attain their goals...no matter what.

How does that compare to the average person. He or she doesnt have the "no matter what" mindset. Instead, most people have the "I hope it works" outlook. They go after their goals tentatively. Boldness is not an adjective used to describe these people.

There is no success in safety. The elite are willing to step out of the comfort zone in search of achievement. They certainly take the road that is less traveled. Their interest lies in forging new ground as part of their quest for excellence. Of course, this takes a great deal of courage.

Make no mistake: everyone questions whether they should throw in the towel. Nevertheless, the successful are the ones who resist the fear-based self talk and move onward. There are times when honest analysis reveals poor choices. However, this is a remarkably different than listening to fear. Decisions based upon sound reasoning and analysis are always recommended. Giving up hope because of fear is not.

I learned a great deal about myself in trading options. This is a vehicle that can help one make a lot of money quickly. At the same time you can lose it just as fast. Entering into this arena is a slippery slope. Success depends upon having the nerve to make the proper decision at the right time. Emotions of fear can crop up with every setback. Knowing when to fall back on one's plan requires a tenacity that few have. The "balls of steel" analogy applies to the type of investing.

Over the years I learned that it applies to success in all areas. Everything worthy in life involves some degree of risk. At times, it is easy to question whether we should continue or not. These are the times where we most often have to check our internal fortitude. There is a tremendous payoff for accomplishment. However, to enjoy this, we need to risk failure. Staying in the game often requires "balls of steel".
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Begin With The End In Mind

This is the one guaranteed path to success. If there is something that you can do to insure your path to exactly what you want, start from the end. This is how the great ones do it.

Let me ask you a question: what do you think your success rate would be if you could leap into the future and find out how things turned out? Suppose that you can enter a time warp and be in the same place but 5 years from now. Do you think you would be able to come back and navigate a more successful path? I believe that most of us would.

That is what I am telling you to do today. Obviously, none of us has a crystal ball that will tell us what the future holds. Life is definitely full of unexpected situations and consequences. However, our chance of success increases dramatically when we have an idea of where we are trying to get to.

Most people look at where they are now and start from there. This is exactly the wrong approach. Looking at your life over the next few weeks or months does not tell us much. You need to decide where you want to be 10, 20, or 30 years from now. Those who can see into the future clearly over this time frame fare much better than everyone else.

I will use the analogy to planning a trip. Do you plan to drive across country by drawing a line from where you are and connecting it to the next town over? What do you think your chances are to get across the country if you follow this pattern. Certainly, you might get there but you will most likely have a lot of wasted effort. Looking at the near term means that a slight deviation from your path will have major consequences when you go further out. The same is true when we are planning our lives.

Starting with the end in mind means that we know where we are going. This is often the most difficult process. Few spend serious time looking at where they would like to be in the end. Instead, the focus all attention on where they are at and what is wrong. Logical planning always will result in a better outcome than haphazard activity.

When one sets down exactly where he or she would like to end up, the process of figuring out how to get there is not difficult. It is only a matter of working backwards from that point. Like the analogy of planning a trip, once you know your destination, you can follow the road map backwards until you get to where you are at presently. Creating a plan of action to achieve your goals is the road map you need. After that, it is only a matter of following it.

Most people never get what they want because they have no idea what it is they want. Remember this tidbit the next time you feel lost. Do you have an end in mind? If not, spend the next few weeks thinking about exactly what it is that you want. The clearer the picture is, the greater the chance that you will achieve it.

To your success.
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The Right People

I am going to stir up a lot of controversy here by stating simple that most people are not worth the trouble. This sounds like a cold thing to say but when you look at the quality of people that exist within society, you soon realize that most are a detriment to you. The energy needed to sustain these people is wasted since they offer nothing in return.

The psychological community calls the people I am referring to as energy vampires. They are the ones who will suck all the energy out of you. A conversation with a person of this nature will leave you tired and spent. The sad thing is you know it is going to happen before you even start interacting with them. In fact, we often try to avoid them and hope they do not see us. Nevertheless, we are ultimately cornered by them.

People tend to be courteous so they will not tell people to go get stuffed. Instead, they politely listen while looking for any opportunity to get away. You can notice their mannerisms as they try to walk away. Of course, because the vampire is often a social ingrate, he or she will follow yapping the entire way.

Maturity is something that many people lack. Surf the online community and you will see people with huge self esteem issues trying to "be somebody". They flame out entire threads just to make their point. Any viewpoint that is not in agreement is immediately wrong. This is reminding of the behavior of school children on the playground. Most of these people never evolved from that level.

Success requires the assistance of many people. Of course, if you spend your time tending to the energy vampires, there is nothing left for you to move forward. For this reason, I say that it is best to clear these type of people out of your life. It matters none how long you have known him or her. The bottom line is one is either helping you or hindering you. If they fall into the latter, they need to go.

Most like to be victims. It became a national pastime. We are a bunch of whiny moochers. If something doesnt go our way, we are quick to point the finger at everyone else and try to place the blame elsewhere. Then we turn around and have to tell everyone about it. "Woo is me" is our national anthem.

Of course, this is a losers outlook. Anyone who is committed to making themselves something are apt to look at things a different way. Nevertheless, we cannot control the attitude of our friends and family. We can, however, choose whether we sit and listen to them. My advice is to exit as soon as possible. The toll you pay is not worth it in the end.

If you look at most people in your life, the majority will be takers of some sort. Most relationships are one-sided with one party carrying the load. This places a bigger burden on that person that is required. Ultimately, situations like this result in the overall abilities of both. The first has no interest in anything other than taking and the second tires.

Thus, clear the energy vampires and anyone who is not a help to you out of your life. It is wonderful to have friends and associates. However, if they are impeding your progress to success, they are your enemy. Remember this the next time someone is sucking you dry energetically.
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How High Will You Go?

"Shoot for the stars so that if you miss you still hit the moon"

What are your aspirations? How high do you want to go? These are questions that everyone should ponder at some point in their life. Sadly, most never even consider something of this nature,. Instead, they spend more time thinking about what they will have for lunch than they do about what they want out of life.

Before any greatness can be achieved, it first must be developed in the mind. Think and so it shall become. The mind is the mechanism that starts the success process. In this arena, the only hindrance is what the mind establishes. We set our own limits.

The truth is that most people settle for a lot less than they are capable of. This is a universal truth. The masses tend to be sheep. Success is achieved only by those who are brave enough to go and grab it. It is not an easy path. Thus, most opt for the safety that society promotes. In the end, the dreamers are ridiculed as a means of conformity. A few ignore what the masses to say and achieve all that life has to offer. Greatness can be had if you are will to set it as a goal.

So, how high will you go? Are you willing to ponder the greatness that is within you? When you establish goals, are you seeking to attain "superstar" status or do you wish things to "improve"? The onset of this process makes all the difference in the end. Dream like a billionaire will create a different end when compared to someone who dreams in terms of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Even in success, the later will fall short of the former.

I challenge you to increase your thinking in terms of what you want. The world is a limitless lode if you are willing to tap into it. This is the key. You need to decide exactly how high you aspire to. There is no reason why you cannot attain tremendous heights. Resist the temptation to sabotage yourself success by thinking "small".

What I want you to do is choose one aspect of your life. Decide to become the very best person walking the planet in that area. If it is weight loss, as an example, make a decision to have the best body on the planet. Begin to think, act, and behave as if you were the top person on the planet. Even if you do not get the best body, you will be a lot better than if you set the goal to lose "a few pounds". You can see how success is in direct proportion to the success level you mentally set down.

Begin the path to greatness today by lifting your sights to a much higher level. Settling for less than you can become is akin to murder; it is killing your potential. Shed those mental bonds today and watch what happens.

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Get Busy

Start your day off right. This is a wonderful thing for all of us to remember. The best way to ensure that you have a happy, productive day is to get it started on the right foot. Obviously, what is done will differ for each person but the premise holds true for all of us.

Many start their day off by grabbing a cup of coffee (with lots of caffeine) and a donut. This is not the best idea if you are seeking to get into shape. The bottom line is that we want our first actions to move us in the proper direction.

Momentum is one of the most power forces we have access to. Physics proved that it takes less energy to keep an object in motion than it does to get that same object moving. Guess who the object is in this instance? The hardest part of most activities is getting started.

When I am suffering from inertia, I spend an incredible amount of time "looking for something to do". Naturally, this is insane since I have a litany of projects that need my attention. Yet, when my motivation is suffering, I fail to take the actions that are needed. Instead, I will procrastinate by seeking out something that "strikes me" or spending time on meaningless tasks that provide no real value. I am doing the exact opposite of "getting busy".

This morning is the opposite of that. I am writing this post within 30 minutes of getting out of bed. There are days that I struggle with "writer's block". However, recently I have a list of topics I want to write about. There is absolutely no reason for me to wait to create this article. Therefore, I took the initiative and started writing. The hardest part was opening up the browser and going to my blogger page.

I stress the importance of this concept. It is imperative to remember that the hardest part of any task is actually getting started. Salespeople will tell you the hardest call for them to make is the first one of the day. We, as humans, tend to project about things in a negative manner. This leads us to procrastinate. As Anthony Robbins like to say, "procrastination is the silent killer". It simply saps us of our lives.

Action is the simple solution to procrastination. One caveat that I will put in at this time: for most, getting busy doing anything is a major advancement. We are often taught that it is important to focus our time and attention on the right tasks. I agree with this statement. However, since most individuals major in slothfulness, I believe that develop the ability to take action is crucial. This is done by getting busy on whatever tasks are in front of you. After you gained the capability to act, then you can start prioritizing your life. In the beginning, however, just get busy doing something.

Until next time, live sensationally.
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Do you realize the consequences of your choices? Is this something that you sat down and truly considered? I find that most people never give a thought to the decisions they make and the consequences they have. This is another example how most walk through life completely blind.

The truth is that every decision we make creates a result. Naturally, not all decisions are life and death. Nevertheless, over time, all of the choices we opt for add up to a direction that we are following. Ultimately, our entire life is nothing more than a series of choices.

Many like to complain about the predicaments they find themselves in. Listen to someone who is a smoker bitch about how tough it is to quit smoking. Well, didnt that person decide to start smoking at some point. The same is true for the stock market. Individuals losing money commiserate how the market is going against them. Who bought the stock that is plummeting?

My point is that every situation can be traced back to a choice that you made. Therefore, you need to take responsibility by admitting that you choose your current circumstance. No matter what the predicament, you opted for it. Naturally, you thought things would turn out differently, but they did not. Life has a way of doing that. Accept it.

If I want to change my life, I must do two things. The first is to acknowledge the power my choices have in creating the results in my life. Everything that I am presently experiencing is because of a choice I made at some point in the past. My life was created by the decisions that I made.

The second thing that I need to do is to start making different choices. Following the same thought pattern will result identical outcomes. Sometimes it is best for me to simply do the opposite thing than what I think is right. I experienced points in my life where my thinking was that broken. Nevertheless, making different decisions lead to different actions which lead to different outcomes. This is how we forge a new path in life.

Consider this post as you travel throughout your next few days. Be mindful of the thoughts that go through your head and the options you are presented with. Ask yourself if this is a decision you normally would make. If it is, perhaps it is best to try something different. A new life direction is only one choice away.
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Knowing What You Want

There is a saying I heard a number of years ago that always rang true with me. Most people dont get what they want because they do not know what they want. Those who have the ability to clarify in their minds what they desire, in detail, are able to attain the results they are seeking. Unfortunately, this is the small minority. The majority drift through life allowing circumstances to dictate what they enjoy. People live in a reactive mode.

Being Proactive

Successful people seem to share one common trait: they make things happen in their lives. As opposed to sitting back and waiting for circumstances to go their way, they attack their lives without abandon. They are determined to achieve the ends that they set down for themselves. This is a radical difference from the masses who take the exact opposite approach. Living in a reactionary mode is death.

The first step in your path to a better life is for you to decide to be proactive from this point going forward. Just because things did not work out in the past does not mean that is how it will go in the future. History is littered with people who failed before they achieved ultimate success. In fact, it often seems like failure is a prerequisite for success.

Once you decide to be proactive, you need to set yourself on a path to follow. This is an extremely difficult task for many. We all have seen the millions of goal setting programs out there and, many of us, tried most of them. How many of you experienced the "New Year's Resolution" syndrome where you make a promise only to have broken it by January 3rd? This happens every year.

With Clarity Comes Power

The mind is a powerful mechanism. We cannot underestimate it's ability to create results in our lives. However, for us to unleash this device, we need to get clear about what it is we are seeking. Putting crystal clear desires into it will produce a viable avenue to follow. Attaining goals is nothing more than breaking things down into a series of steps. Yet, one must know where he or she is heading before formulating those steps.

What do you want in life? This is the multi-million dollar question. Ask this of most people and they will give you vague answers. The reason for this is because they have no idea what they want out of life. Instead, they will tell you what they do not want. Or, if they do tell you, they will state something general such as "I want to lose weight". Each of these situations provides no power since there is absolutely no clarity in the thinking.

So again, what do you want in your life? I want you to think about this question long and hard. Spend days and weeks going over it again and again. The answer to this question holds the key to your entire life. All happiness and fulfillment are tied to reaching the proper conclusion. I can assure you once you have clarity, your life will take on new meaning.

It is time to design your life. Success is a reasonably simple exercise since so many are adept at failing. The biggest thing they fail at is not being proactive in their lives. Having clarity will automatically put you in the upper 1% of all the people out there. Again, the average person has no clue what he or she wants. Simply deciding for yourself separates you from the masses. Begin the process today.

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Bottoming Out

Alcoholic and drug rehabilitation programs talk about the need for one to "bottom out" before any recovery can take place. What this means is the person needs to endure enough pain before he or she will take the necessary action to get better. Basically, until the pain of remaining the same exceeds the pain of change, the status quo will persist. It is only after this reversal that behavior modification enables one to follow another path.

This principle applies to all aspects of life, not only alcohol and drug abuse. I was conversing last night with someone who battled excess weight all her life. She finally is at the point where she is willing to do something about it. Over the last month, she lost 10+ pounds and is approaching a weight she has not seen in 15 years.

Our conversation centered around the fact that our society is becoming too accepting of people's faults and downfalls. She felt that public embarrassment was not a good method of motivation. I, on the other hand, disagree. However, she said she felt the degradation over the years but figured what the f***, why change? This is the mindset of one who allows circumstances to win out.

My point here is not to argue the merits of public humiliation. Instead, I use this as an example of what it takes for each of us to bottom out. Everyone is different. What might crush one person is perfectly acceptable to another. However, we all need to realize that nothing will change until we reach that magical instance where we had enough. It only takes a split second where the mind says "no more" and the individual opts for new action.

I apply this idea to relationships also. People often tolerate things within their relationships because they are comfortable. Nevertheless, when one decides, firmly, that he or she will not accept something, that is when the change occurs. Often, this is something that the person needs to pursue him or herself. Focusing on improving oneself is usually the key to improving a relationship.

Yesterday, I wrote about quantifying where we are at and the actions we are taking. We can apply this same principle to the bottoming out process. If we are feeling some pain, and we know we need a lot of pain to motivate us to change, we need to magnify that level upward. Thus, if a situation causes us to feel pain at a level 5, we need to think up different ways to get that to an 8 or a 9. Perhaps something such as telling everyone where we screwed up and inflicting a bit of embarrassment is precisely what is needed. We need to take all action that will assist us in reaching that bottom if we are ever to change. The increasing of pain is at the core of this idea.

In conclusion, always monitor your level of pain. Most of us are taught to avoid pain. This concept I expressed here shows you the benefit of embracing it. Pain is what motivates. Use it to your advantage.
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Quantify It

You know that I believe success in life is the result of taking action. Without action, there will be no success. It is that simple. All the planning and motivation will accomplish nothing without being followed up by action. This is what makes our invisible plans visible. Action is the bridge between the non-existent and the existent.

Of course, many will argue that taking the proper action is important also. I would agree. However, there is one disclaimer that I put on that: for most, any action is an improvement. We are so accustomed to being inactive that doing anything is a movement in the right direction.

That being said, once we choose the proper action, we need to look at the intensity which we approach those things that need to be done. Have you ever heard of "going through the motions"? This is where someone does the right things but with minimal effort. Public service employees are often accused of majoring in this. They do what needs to be done but without enthusiasm. Intensity is what separates completion from grand success.

A simple exercise to do is to quantify the level of intensity that you are applying in the present moment. For example, if you are reading this post, what is your level of attention to it? Are you just glancing at it while the television is blasting in the background? Or are you in a peaceful area so you can concentrate? I know, as I write these words, the only distraction I have is the cat on the floor cleaning himself. The television is off and my other browsers are closed. My total focus is on this activity in the moment.

Does that mean we have to operate full tilt in everything we do? Of course not. That would cause burnout (or a heart attack) very quickly. However, most of what we do can be improved upon. Quantifying our present level is what allows us to increase that level. Our goal is simply to move up the scale somewhat.

I will use the analogy of weight lifting since it is fairly simple to quantify. Each time I workout, I can tell you what level it was at. When I am motivated and pumped up, I am usually at a 9 or 10. Yet, when I am dragging ass, my workouts can be at a 5. Now, is it reasonable for me to expect to be at a 9 or 10 all the time? No it is not. But, when I am at a 5, I can stop myself and ask "how can I get this to a 6 or a 7"? Mentally, I have a checklist of things that I go through to try to motivate myself. Often, if I can get a couple extra points, that is the difference between an awful workout and a decent one. Raising the bottom pays enormous dividends in my experience.

Apply this mental exercise over the next week. Throughout your day, ask yourself "what level is I presently at". Whatever it is, try to raise it up but 1 or 2 points. Think of all the things that will increase your energy, focus, attention, and/or outlook. This will net you better results and help you avoid going through the motions. We all have tasks that we dont want to do. Making them as fulfilling as possible enables us to further enjoy those things that we do like to do. After all, this is your life we are talking about.

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Create Change

Most people look for change to happen in their life. They sitting around waiting for things to be different. This is a common occurrence among people. Instead of taking proactive steps towards implementing change in their lives, they magically hope that something will be different next week, next month, or next year. Life is spent always looking forward with hope.

The only constant in the world is change. However, people rarely embrace this concept. Rather, they look for ways to keep things the same. This creates a terrible habit when one is in dire need of creating a new life. The status quo can be the enemy of most. Living life on the continual merry-go-round when one is unfulfilled is death.

I often say that life is a contact sport. One must be active to be successful. Creating change in one's life is a way of taking control. Proactive always beats reactive. You must be the driving force in your life.

Humans are creatures of habit. Each week is basically a carbon copy of the week before. After a while, we are able to put our blinders on and proceed through our day. We awaken at the same time, take the same path to work at the same job, return the same way, and go to be at roughly the same time. This is the routine for the largest percentage of the population. Any wonder why people are bored with their lives.

It is time for you to start becoming one who creates change in your life. The best way to go about this is to start doing something different. It matters none how big or small the action is. The important factor is that you begin to create new results. I find that making lots of little changes ultimately adds up to a different life path. Make 1,000 changes in your life over the next 30 days and you will notice a substantial difference.

The clock is ticking. Now is when you need to get after your life. Let nothing stand in your way.
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Survival Of The Fittest

This is something that I am going to be commenting on over the next few posts. Across the globe we are seeing people turn to the governments for support. People are afraid what the future holds because they are inadequately prepared to deal with what is in front of them. Life, for many, was too easy. Now, with circumstances getting worse by the day, people are turning to that which they were promised would take care of them.

I witnessed this activity are few years ago when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. The death total there numbered around 1,500. I clearly remember the image of people waiting for the government rescuers to get to them. Sadly, for many, they perished before that help arrived.

The episode showed how woefully inadequate the government is in handling anything. We again witnessed a similar situation with the BP oil spill. A number of years later and a new administration results in the same. Woeful action.

Many are promised safety and comfort by our leaders. The sad truth is this doesnt work since it goes against nature. Man, no matter how much he tries to get away from it, is part of the Animal Kingdom. All the laws present in nature apply to us equally. And the overriding policy in the wild is survival of the fittest.

Man wants to believe that he is a more civilized creature. Society drums into us dogma about being concerned about the entire human race. We are told that we are all interconnected. Funny how unconnected we are when the utility company is cutting off our power. Or how lonely it feels when hearing the screaming of a child because he or she is hungry. All of a sudden the interconnectedness of it all is out the window and survival is one's focus.

Your life is your responsibility. It is that simple. Do not believe the preachings and sales job that people give you to the contrary. Ultimately, the only one you can count on is yourself (and a select few who are close to you). Protecting yourself and your family is the onus we all bear. Life is a survival game. Spend your time worrying about those not under your domain and you will weaken your chances of helping those closest to you.

In the end, survival starts with the understanding that living any other way is a for of slavery. When people promise to take care of you, you suddenly are indebted to them. All "gifts" come with a string attached. Watch the actions of the governments around the world to fully understand this concept. People taking from the system are dependent upon that system for their survival. The second someone pulls that support, these people are finished.

If you think this is too cold a view of the world, I challenge you to look around. See how many are suffering because they are ill-equipped to deal with the reality of life. They became dependent upon others and were let down. Promises are broken on a daily basis. In the end, only the strong survive. Are you one of them?
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How To Think Like A Billionaire

Warren Buffet is considered by many to be the greatest investor in the last 50 years. Since he is the 2nd richest man in the world, I guess we can agree with that sentiment. He is a billionaire many times over (40-50 times). Certainly he has something insightful for the rest of us to improve our lives.

Buffet, true to his nature, has three keys to success in life.

1. Have The Right Heroes

Pattern your life around the actions of someone you admire. Make then a mentor by utilizing their life as a blueprint for yours. Action is the key to success and success leaves clues. Having a hero will enable you to follow the path that was already laid out for you.

2. Follow Your Passion

Warren Buffet absolutely loves the stock market. There is not a person on this planet who enjoys researching and finding quality companies at an inexpensive price. With $40 million, this man doesnt need to work but he shows up everyday even though he is more than a decade past the usual retirement age.

3. Invest In Yourself

We all need to do the things that will improve our lives. Our minds are a powerful computer. Pack it full of powerful ideas. Read the books that will enhance your mindset. Invest in a series of audio tapes so that you can cram useful information during your daily drive.

These are the three keys to success according to one of the richest men in the history of the civilized world. I think his ideas say it all. This is how you think like a billionaire.

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New Actions

Life is a contact sport. To achieve success, one must take action. Everything we do produces results. Some will say that some results are good while others are bad. I disagree with these judgments. Nature doesnt have good or bad. It simply has results. Now, when applying this to our lives, we do get results that are intended and some that are unintended.

If you are at the stage you do not like what is occurring in your life, it is safe to say that you have a lot of unintended results. What I mean by this is that the action you are presently taking is not creating the results that you desire. Therefore, it is paramount that you change the action you take on a daily basis if you want new results to arise.

Here is the catch: new actions create new results. It is that simple. Remember, everything we do produces a result. Anything different will create a different result in your life. Stack enough different actions and results and you will find that your life takes on a new direction. The downward spiral can be reversed and moved in an upward direction. This is done by rethinking the action that you take.

One caveat that I want to throw in is the idea that people fail to take action. Actually, when considered, failure to take action is actually taking an action. When one decides to not get off the couch and exercise, one is really deciding to sit and watch television. That action produces the result of flabbiness. If one wants a different outcome, exercising is the new action that needs to be taken.

Therefore, if you want to start changing your life today, begin by taking different action. This is the fastest way to set yourself on a new path. All the planning in the world will not alter anything if not followed up by action. It was your actions that created your present circumstances. Those same actions will make your future identical unless you opt to change. Begin that practice today.
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