
Knowledge Is Everywhere

We live in the age of information.  The Internet enabled us access to more knowledge than is present in the Library of Congress.  There are sites out there on everything.  No matter what the topic, it only requires typing a few words into a search engine and you will be given a list that will take you hours to go through.

You would think with all this information readily available to us, that we would be smarter as in general.  Sadly, this does not seem to be the case.  Most people, relatively speaking are falling further behind.  When we look at their financial situation, they are overloaded with debt.  Regarding health, they are in terrible shape (literally).  Their relationships are total train wrecks with people not even speaking to each other.  Overall, the quality of life tends to diminish as we are "dumbed down".

The truth is that it does not have to be this way.  People have the opportunity to gain whatever knowledge is needed for success.  The only requirement is the desire to attain that knowledge.


Everything starts with willingness.  Are you willing to do the things that will lead to success?  This is a major question.  Few are willing to put in the time and effort required to move their life to an extraordinary level.  The desire is not there.  Instead, they live on a hope rather than a concentrated intent. 

Financial success is not a great mystery.  The path to riches is well known.  There are a number of options a person has which will ultimately lead to that outcome.  However, it is not something that is inherent within us at birth.  It is a learned science.  The ability to generate a massive amount of money is a result of acquiring knowledge followed up by the application.  It really is that simple.

Investing is a huge part of the wealth creation process.  A foundational piece to all financial success is that money needs to go to work.  It is wonderful to excel and increase one's income.  However, true abundance is rarely achieved unless money is earned of existing capital.  Failure to do this means one will be a high income earner but not see their net worth excel.  This is the condition many athletes find themselves in.  The eventual outcome is they go broke because their expenses far exceed their income once the enormous contract runs out. 

To be a successful investor, one must learn the basics of investing.  There are fundamental principles to follow which will create a nice bank account.  One of them is the advantage of time.  Too many opt for the get rich quick scenarios.  This is catastrophic financially.  Most of these "investments" are losers from the start.  Yet millions follow this idea.  If they were willing to do a little reading and study how many of the most successful investors built their wealth, they would realize that sound financial principles were followed.

10,000 Hours

There is a concept that applies to success which I tend to agree with.  It is the belief that to achieve excellence in something, a person needs to devote 10,000 hours to it.  This is a lot of time, obviously, yet it is required to attain the highest level of success.  Consider the hours spent by an Olympic athlete training and honing his or her craft.  Bill Gates spent thousands of hours playing around with software.  Warren Buffet invested tens of thousands of hours to learning and reading about businesses.  People like these have the drive to excel and put in the time.

Contrast this with the average person.  How many hours do you dedicate to your investments, as an example?  Jim Cramer talks about that an individual needs to be willing to dedicated 1 hour per week to each stock he or she owns.  If that person is not willing to do that, investing in mutual funds is the way to go.  It is incredible that he is asking for a little more than 50 hours per year to study a stock thoroughly.  Compare this to the amount of time spent watching television.  I read studies that stated the average American watches 5-6 hours of television a day.  This amounts to 1,500-2,000 hours yearly.  Yet someone is not willing to invest 50 hours towards creating successful financial returns.

It is time to begin the process of working towards your 10,000 hours.  Obviously, most will never get to this level.  However, if you can invest 500 hours into your financial future, I will hypothesize that you will be far ahead of the average person.  Most people spend more time planning a vacation than they do on their financial plan.  Is it any surprise that most suffer financial difficulties especially as they get older?  Those who have the willingness to garner the knowledge will become financially successful. 

3 Areas of Knowledge

There are 3 ways you can acquire knowledge.  It is best to start accessing all three to accelerate your learning curve.

1. Personal experience: 

You have a wealth of knowledge simply from the actions you have or have not taken over the years.  Often, these are the best lessons.  Look back upon your life and the decisions you made.  See where you were mistaken to learn what the correct action should have been.  Life is an excellent teacher if we will embrace the lessons.  Sadly, few are willing to do this.  Instead they blame other people and circumstances for their shortcomings.  There is a wealth of knowledge in your own life story if you will simply look at it.  Sit down with a piece of paper to analyze what took place.  Be honest about what the decisions you make.  Do not beat yourself up over it so much as learn from it.  View it the same way as you do a movie.  Through this one exercise you will see an assortment of financial "rules" emerge.  This is the beginning stages of wealth creation.

2. Experience of others:

There is no need to beat you head against the wall to realize it hurts.  Look around to see there are many who do that for you.  Notice the results they get.  When they do this, their head hurts.  Therefore, you can bet the ranch the same will occur if you do it.  This is learning from others.

Financial calamities are everywhere.  Thousands of people end up in bankruptcy court daily because of decisions they make.  It is easy to learn how people enslave themselves financially with their decisions.  Learn from their pain while avoiding it yourself.  This only requires the ability to suppress your ego and proclaim that you do not have all the answers.  Most habitually do the opposite which deters them from learning from others.  There is an abundance of financial knowledge in the success and failures of others.

3. Writings:

As mentioned, the Internet gives us access to more information than was humanly possible before.  Financial success is everywhere online.  It requires a bit of effort to sift through it but you will uncover "secrets" that few know.  Again, you must have the willingness.

The writings of others enables you to garner knowledge from their experience.  Also, there are thousands upon thousands of studies done which you can apply.  For example, there are studies about the idea "sell in May and go away".  By simply looking into this concept, one might alter his or her investing style based upon the conclusions drawn.

Naturally, you must be mindful of who you follow or the suggestions made.  Simply because someone puts it in writing does not make it true.  You need to continually search and cross reference new ideas.  Delve into the person who is making the statement to see what success that person attained.  While a college professor might offer some insight into the stock market, I would take the words of a Warren Buffet to mean a lot more.  His track record (and net worth) far exceeds that of any of the professors at our colleges. 

The point is knowledge is everywhere.  Desire it.  Commit to starting on your 10,000 hour path by spending an hour or so a day to learning about success especially in the area of finance.  Those who live in a state of poverty do so because they lack the knowledge to live any other way.  I would guess that most people, even if not in poverty, fall into this category.  Become one who is different.  Spend some of your free time learning about this subject.  It is a central way to change your life.
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Financing Yourself To 100

Do you want to live to 100?  If not, why not?  What is your reason for not wanting to be on this planet for as long as you possibly can?  The answer to these questions lies in the fact that most people do not live lives that are worth a great deal.  Thoreau stated that most men live lives of "quiet desperation".  Certainly things have changed since his time to the point where now people are not quiet about their desperation.

Make Your Life Incredible

Few people take the time to plan their life.  This is a central tenet to the Western lifestyle.  We work in careers that we honestly have no idea how we chose.  Most people are reactive accepting a position out of need as opposed to want or desire.  They follow the dogma that their particular culture espouses as "normal" and leading to happiness only to find that it was not true.  Nevertheless, they continue on the path because "it is the responsible thing".

You only need to look at the average person to realize he or she is miserable.  Most operate in the state that Thoreau was referring to.  This has not changed in the past 100 years.  In fact, pressures on people have become greater.  Over time, we have accepted the "distractions" of life as normal.  Television watching is at an all time high.  People overeat while getting too little exercise.  Financially, more money is needed to make ends meet because we operate in a consumer driven society where having stuff shows the worth of a person.  All the while people are dying inside while becoming more enslaved.

One of the first things that you must do is to decide to make your life incredible.  There is no reason why you have to follow the path of millions who simply abide by what everyone is telling them to do.  It is up to you to determine how you want to live your life.  What is it that you truly desire?  How do you want things to be?  These are questions that few ever honestly answer.  The fact is that most anything can be achieved if one is willing to make it a goal.  Again, the number of people who actually take the time to plan how they are going to make their lives incredible is minimal.  

This is where you can alter things.  Spend time getting in touch with those things you want to make a reality in your life.  Nothing should ever stand in your way.  However, before you can have the tenacity to achieve that end, you first need to establish it as an outcome.  Therefore, your goal is to make your life truly incredible.

Massive Finances    

Once you are on the road to making your life truly incredible, you quickly learn that you do not want it to end.  This is the piece that most people are missing.  Because of their misery, deep down, they are not seeking to prolong things.  Sure, they want to live to a ripe old age because of fear of death.  However, the truth is so many are simply existing that death is a blessing.  This is especially true as people get older.

Since you are entering the minority who desires to live a long time, it is crucial that you finance this endeavor.  Money is a subject that most avoid.  Rich people have a negative connotation within our society.  However, that is only true among people who are not rich.  The wealthy do not believe that about themselves.  It is a terrible misconception meted out by irresponsible politicians and media outlets who opt to engage in class warfare.  Some of the most giving people in the world are extremely wealthy (and who came about it ethically).  Therefore, do not hold prejudice against someone for their financial status.  In fact, it is best to use that as a motivator to push yourself forward.

Today, you need to get on the path of financing yourself to 100.  Many financial planners offer to assist one in the process of preparing for retirement.  Sadly, most find that they are woefully under capitalized when the day arrives to enter their golden years.  This is a simple situation to avoid yet few are willing to take the action to arrive at this outcome.

Spending is to wealth what sugar is to health.  People are killing themselves by the food they eat.  At the same time, they are destroying their financial lives by spending without thinking.  As I mentioned, we live in a society that promotes consumerism.  It is a central part of our economy.  The Western cultures need people to spent at a growing rate to sustain growth.  We see this idea espoused by the media on a regular basis.  The problem with this mindset is that it goes counter to what is best for the individual and his or her family.

If you want to have massive finances (as opposed to massive debt), you need to stop spending.  This is a fundamental tenet to financial abundance.  You need to spend less than you earn and save the difference.  Without this ability, you are bound to be a lifelong slave to society.  No matter how much you make, the lack of discipline means that you will spend 100% (or more with credit) of what you earn.  Nothing will be left over.  Ultimately, this path will lead to financial dependence later on in life.  

Therefore, picture yourself living to 100.  How do you want your life to be?  Do you see yourself dependent upon others?  If this is the case, begin now to alter the behaviors you presently engage upon.  Financial prudence is one of the greatest attributes someone can acquire.  It is vital that you understand the basics of financial accumulation and begin to put money to work for you.  Over the next few decades, you can learn the skills to ensure you have massive abundance in later years.  Also, you will be able to do those things which make you want to live to 100.      

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What is it that separates the highly successful from the rest of the population.  In a word it is "greatness".  While it is something that is difficult to categorize, people know greatness when they see it.  And those who attain this level, set out to create it in their lives.  Compare this with the approach that most people take which is merely to survive.

A Conscious Decision

To be great, one must consciously decide to be that way.  It is something that cannot be achieved unless one sets it out as a goal.  Yet few are willing to make this commitment.  Instead, they hedge what they want in an effort to avoid failure.  Greatness sets the bar extremely high.  Most of the population cannot handle the idea of putting so much pressure upon themselves.  Instead, they leave themselves "an out".  Failure becomes acceptable.

One thing that is common to hear is "I need to lose some weight" or "I need to get into shape".  Notice the hedge that is already in place.  Did the individual making these proclamations establish a high bar?  The answer is no.  Nowhere in the person's mind is the idea of having a great body.  The reason for this is the level of commitment to achieve this is much greater than simply making some progress.  The truth is that this person most likely will do nothing.

Finances are the exact same way.  People too often approach investing, as an example, with the mindset of not losing.  They do not set out to achieve big fortunes.  Fear is running the show and simply progressing is acceptable.  Certainly one wants his or her investment accounts to grow.  However, accepting a measly return because one is unwilling to commit to something greater is absurd.

It is crucial that you make the conscious choice to build fantastic wealth.  This is at the core of our existence in this society.  Obviously, I am not advocating you take the gambler mentality to the market because that is not a winning proposition either.  My point is that you must be willing to do your homework and hone your skills in the area of finance/investing.  You are looking to achieve greatness.  Maintain some humility because, if you do not, the markets have a way of humbling you.  And this gets to be an expensive approach.  Make this decision and follow up with actions that mirror it.

A Higher Level

Whenever a person implements the idea of greatness into his or her life, suddenly this person is operating at a higher level then everyone else.  As I stated earlier, most simply seek to survive.  Nowhere in there being is the idea of strive for more.  Sure, they mentally state they would like something different yet few actually make the commitment to move towards that end.  It is much easier to make things a wish, hope, or dream.

Does this mean you will achieve greatness in all you do?  Of course not.  Failure is a part of life.  There are things we attempt that do not work out.  Naturally, the ultimate failure is to give up.  Oftentimes, a misstep is not failure as much as a signal to do things differently.  This is one of life's ways of teaching us valuable lessons.  Experience is a terrific teacher if we will pay attention.

When deciding to focus upon greatness in any area, we cease to accept substandard results.  People often complain about having little motivation when if greatness was the ultimate end, motivation would be present.  It is easy to see the path when one sets a high outcome.  Work is required and lots of it.  However, as one advances up the scale, the rewards get greater.

We see this when one sets out to eliminate debt from his or her life.  At first, it is overwhelming when one looks at all the balances.  Yet, over time, as more payments are submitted, balances dwindle.  At the same time, the interest accrued starts decreasing in proportion.  Hence, more of each payment, if constant, is going towards principle, accelerating the elimination process.  Paying off one debt is a breakthrough for many people and the time where they realize progress is being made.  Nobody can have a great financial life with excessive amounts of personal unsecured debt.

Each of us has a standard of conduct that is acceptable.  If one is only striving for mediocre, obviously the level of conduct is low.  This is a person who will only do enough to get by.  A higher aspiration is not in the cards.  However, once this person adopts the idea of being great in any area, instantly the behaviors which were present before are no longer acceptable.  Instead of watching television, perhaps the person starts to read financial books.  Time is utilized in a different way in an effort to attain a greater end.  Mild attempts are unsatisfactory. 

Sports provides a terrific analogy.  Take someone like Michael Jordan who was the best basketball player of his time.  He operated at a level higher than even the other professional players around him.  Did he have a natural talent?  Certainly.  However, he also worked extremely hard at his craft always desiring to get better.  He also matched it up with the inner strength to take the pressure shots which many would shy away from.  His mental skills were as strong as his physical.  This is what separated him from the other players, many of whom were the best in the world.  He sought greatness where others were content to just give their best. 

I want you to implement greatness in all you do.  Take one area of your life and decide to make it great.  Do not settle for substandard results anymore.  Commit to being the best at whatever the endeavor is.  And then be willing to take whatever action is necessary to achieve that end.
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Take Advantage What Is Presented

Many are seeking out opportunities while ignoring what is under their nose.  This is a basic problem with the human condition; we are always looking "over there".  People simply do not put to use what is under their control.

Wanting Something Big

Individuals like to focus upon the big.  They want to make radical life changes while not accepting the fact that life is made up of a series of smaller actions.  To completely alter one's life, in most instances, people need to make lots of little changes that add up to a large difference.  Yet we are conditioned to want to find something bigger.

I will relate an example that illustrate this point.  I once studied under a guy who was a multi-millionaire.  He was one to go around picking up coins off the ground when he saw them.  People might think this strange unless you understand his mindset.  He is a person who believes that he has no right to tell the universe no when it blesses him with money.  He emphatically states "who am I do dictate the denomination of the money given to me".  This is so true.  Because he is open to a penny or a nickel, he also receives money in the form of thousands.  He is satisfied no matter what is given.

Contrast this with the outlook that most people have.  People, at least in the western cultures, have a denomination where money becomes valuable.  Obviously, to the average person, a penny or nickel is too small.  To many, so is a dollar or even 5  dollars.  Some will think about $10.  Others $20.  Still others $100.  The point is there is a threshold where one will think hard before spending.  Below that level, the amount is considered inconsequential.

The sad thing is this is how people view most things in their lives.

The Disease of More

People want more.  It is what we are conditioned to believe.  No matter what one has, there is always someone to look to who is doing better.  If that person is not around, Madison Avenue ensures this occurs by presenting advertisements of what success is.  Everyday is a quest to add to the mountain of stuff already accumulated in an effort to feel worthy.  This is a national illness which creates much pain, especially financial.

There is nothing wrong with accumulating "the finer things in life" if you are able to attain them in a sensible way.  The problem is people feel entitled as opposed to being willing to work for them.  It is here where the disconnect between opportunities and success occurs.  Most are always looking at the end while ignoring what takes place in the middle.

For example, the $100,000 a year job is desirable to most everyone.  However, few take the time to prepare themselves so they can handle a job like this.  If someone is paying that amount of money, he or she will require a return for it.  Just showing up and occupying space is not enough.  Sadly, many believe this.

What is overlooked is that one can create a better opportunity in his or her present employment.  There are opportunities in all positions.  While I acknowledge that not every job can be turned into $100,000 annually, there are things that can be attained which will propel you forward.  This is a key point to success.  Every job offers opportunities for something.  It is just being aware of what can be garnered from that position. 

Starting Where You Are

It is crucial that no matter what you are desiring, you are willing to start exactly where you are.  This might seem like common sense yet most fail to do this.  Instead, they dream of better things all the while overlooking what is presently in front of them.  Now I admit that present circumstances might be terrible for many people.  The advantage to that is the changes necessary ought to be highly obvious.  Regardless of how the situation is, dealing with reality is always your starting point.

The truth is that in the western countries, there are opportunities oozing from every segment of society.  Unless one travels around to third world nations, we do not realize how good things are.  Sure there are problems.  But, for the most part, we have the freedom to excel.  This is not the case in many parts of the world.  Necessities like food and clean water are at a premium.  People in these situations seek only to survive.  We have the opportunity for so much more.

So your present geographic location is the starting point.  Ignore things such as the economy and wage scale.  Look to what is presently in your life that you can utilize for advancement.  What skills or opportunities are there which you have been ignoring.  I will tell you something that 40% of the workforce completely overlooks: the 401K program.  Studies show only 60% participate.  Here is an example of how people fail to take advantage of something that will benefit them.  Is it any wonder that people have such horrific financial lives?

Your challenge now is to look around you and find the opportunities that presently exist within your life.  Understand that since the Internet is available to all of us, the possibilities are almost endless.  Information is available with the touch of a few keystrokes.  You can learn whatever you desire.  Begin to see what is in front of you.  The solution is never "over there" but, rather, right here.

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Stop Digging

What is the first thing you do when you find yourself in a hole?

Most answer this question by saying "climb out".  The correct answer is to stop digging.  Before one can work his or her way out of anything, one must first cease getting further behind.  This idea applies to any aspect of life.  However, the relevance to the financial arena is incredible.


People love debt.  The entire world is addicted to it.  From our average credit card balances to car payments to the trillions run up by the governments of the world, we see how debt is an addiction.  People simply cannot live without it.  If the U.S. government had to eliminate debt in the next 12 months, it would cease to operate.  Sadly, many individuals find themselves in this same situation.

Debt is a master which enslaves one for life.  People do not think about the consequences when making the purchase.  Instead, they are trained to look at the monthly payment only while appeasing the need for instant gratification.  The total amount spent means little to people.  This is what the financial institutions of the world depend upon.  To them, this is "money in the bank".  Anyone who has lived under serious debt for a long period of time knows what this is like.  It is hell on earth.  Yet so many succumb to the temptation.

What is sad is this is nothing more than a habit.  Did you know that 50 years ago few people were in debt.  Other than a mortgage, little was financed.  If a new car was to be purchased, a family saved up for it.  The same was true for appliances.  When the refrigerator broke, a new one was purchased with cash.  Making payments was something that most avoided.

We saw the same behavior with vacations.  There was a time when traveler's checks were popular.  These financial items were used in lieu of cash because of the fact that if stolen or lost, they could be replaced.  Credit cards were not a thought.  Today, with the exception of some overseas travel, people do not purchase traveler's checks.  Instead, they simply charge the entire trip to the credit card.

While I admit convenience is a benefit, the truth is that most spend more than they can afford when choosing this route.  Charges will be accepted as long as there is room on the credit card.  What is available in the bank account to pay the balance in 30 days is not of consequence.  This causes people to overspend.

Change In Behavior

Since debt is basically a national epidemic, a change in behavior is needed.  Of course, this starts with the individual i.e. you.  So, how does one begin to change?

Like the title says, the first thing that one must do in any situation that is creating negative consequences is to stop.  Cease what you are doing.  It is understood that a reversal in behavior is needed.  However, before that can take place one must first stop going down the present path.

This idea is akin to a car traveling the wrong way down a street.  Obviously, the solution is for the automobile to be traveling the other direction.  Before that can occur, one must first stop the car from going the wrong way and then he or she can turn it around.  The same holds true here.

Therefore, when looking at the financial arena, it is crucial you stop digging a deeper hole.  This means, in most instances, cease spending.  People get in trouble because they spend all or more than they earn.  The first order of business is to not buy anything unless it is an absolute necessity (food).  Do this immediately and carry it out for 30 days.  This will help you to develop the habit of not spending.  Then, and only then, can you start to reverse course.  Nothing will occur until you stop digging a deeper hole.

Habits are learned and they can be unlearned.  Behavior modification is difficult.  Nevertheless, when you live under the horrors of debt, it is a necessity if you are going to enjoy any freedom in life at all.  We live in a capitalistic society were money is a central unit in our lives.  Non responsible behavior is a pathway to sure failure.  Stopping the senseless spending is one way to start the process of embracing responsibility.

Always remember the first rule of wealth creation:

Spend less than you earn and save/invest the rest.

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Consistency: The Key to Achievement

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be extremely successful?  There are a great number of theories out there but one thing that is always present among the successful is the element of consistency.  They are consistent in the way they behave.  It is almost as if they are completely predictable even when unpredictable.

Action Required

All fields require action.  It matters none what one chooses to focus upon.  The people who excel are the ones who take proper action.  There is a caveat to this idea: the ones who succeed take consistent action which leads to success.  Anyone can do something once in a while.  The ones who truly advance are those who repeat the actions over and over on the path to success.

Let us focus on the field of sales.  Most organizations love the superstar sales person.  This is a person who puts up large numbers on a consistent basis.  He or she is not one to have a big month followed by two poor months.  This is not a superstar salesperson.  Inconsistency is something that an organization cannot build around.  Therefore, businesses look for salespeople who can consistently produce.

The same is true in the field of wealth building.  Because of the time element, action takes on a regular basis over the long term nets fantastic results.  However, many believe that putting money away "once in a while" is sufficient.  It is not.  Anyone who has succeeded in accumulating larges amounts of money through investing did so by putting money to work on a consistent basis.  This is why it is best for many to automate their savings.  Under this program, people have a certain percentage taken out of their check and invested before it gets into their hands.  This eliminates the temptation to spend the money.  Savings (and investing) because not only automatic but occurs on a regular basis.

Automating action is a wonderful way to achieve success.  Look at the world class weight lifter.  Here is a person who is in the gym on a daily basis.  Obviously, judging by the physiques, these people do not work out once in a while.  They dedicate a great deal of time and energy to this endeavor.  To truly achieve this state, going to the gym needs to be an automatic activity.  In other words, the person does not have to think about the action taken.  It is so consistent that it becomes a part of the daily routine.  Whereas most subconsciously conclude to sit on the couch, these individuals mentally default to going to the gym.  Their action is also automatic in addition to consistent.


Another area where consistency is paramount is in the area of emotions.  Nobody likes dealing with a "hothead".  For those who are somehow unfamiliar with this term, this is a person who cannot control his or her temper.  To add fuel to the fire and make matters worse, this individuals also tends to lose it over the smallest instances.  Emotional control is out of his or her reach.  Instead, one is happy one moment only to blow up the next. 

The reason why one needs to be consistent emotionally is because much of our success is dependent upon other people.  Anyone in business understands how important having top performing people is.  If one is continually yelling and screaming, people of this sort will depart.  Yet we see so many business owners and managers still behaving in a similar manner in spite of the results.  A lack of emotional control is the cause of their failure.

Successful investing requires the same thing.  People tend to think what they see in the movies is accurate.  Hollywood portrays stock traders as people who are high strung while operating in frenzied states.  This is inaccurate.  The best traders in the world are those who are cool under fire.  The market is an entity all to its own.  Nobody is going to be right all the time.  Even the best misread what is taking place and suffer loses.  However, like the poker player, you will not be able to tell how a successful trader is doing at that moment by his or her face.  The reason is the emotion has been removed (as much as possible).  A person of this sort strives for emotional consistency.  The ups and downs of the market are not reflected in his or her demeanor.  Level is how one can describe it.  It is a field where nothing is personal; just business.  Loss is an inevitable part of the game.  Nevertheless, the emotional antics are optional.

Success is something that takes place over the course of time.  Qualities such as discipline and character are necessary.  The reason for this is because consistency is central to any large scale success.  Each day action is taken to move towards a desired outcome.  In the area of retirement as an example, the outcome can be decades later.  If one is able to maintain consistency over a long period of time, good results occur.  It is when one starts to operate in haphazard ways that things go wrong. 

Strive for consistency in all you do.  And most of all, strive to be consistent emotionally.  If you can do this, you will find the people around you will respond differently.
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Money Equals Freedom

Many people are going to take exception to this post but the truth is that money equals freedom.  Or specifically, can equal freedom.  Freedom is a subjective term which requires being put into context.  I will explain that part in a bit.  The main point of this post is that having money, actually more specifically, massive amounts of money, puts one in position to move his or her life to another level.  This is something that those without the means do not enjoy.

Desire More

A couple days ago I wrote about having wealth as a goal.  The reason why most people do not attain massive amounts of financial wealth is they never make it a goal.  Instead, they ignore the situation all together while pursuing whatever the passing fancy is in the moment.  This is evidenced by the actions of people.  Those who have wealth as a goal do not go and buy McMansions.  Nor do they lease or finance expensive European automobiles which only decrease in value as time goes by.  Instead, they focus upon prudent spending while amassing their fortune one financial transaction at a time.

It is a proven fact that before people will change, desire needs to exist.  One will not lose weight unless he or she desires it.  The same is true for breaking an addiction.  Excelling at a sport.  Success in business.  And, not surprisingly, financial wealth is not achieved unless one desires it.

This brings up the question why should one desire wealth.  We live in a society where "more" is an illness.  Everyone desires more.  It is a national epidemic.  Nobody is satisfied with what they have.  We all know that money does not buy happiness.  So why should one desire wealth when it is an unproven path to fulfillment?

The answers lies in what is desired.  More "stuff" is not the answer.  Those who desire wealth so they can have a larger home or nicer cars ends up in a state called dissatisfaction.  The truth is that a bigger house usually means there is more to clean and the taxes are higher.  Rarely does it provide greater happiness in and of itself.  The same holds true for most material things.  Items provide a law of diminishing returns.  The greatest desire for the item is when it is sitting on the shelf in the store.  Once it is purchased, the satisfaction and enjoyment head downwards.  If you question this idea go look at something in your closet that you "just had to have".  Notice how you feel about it now compared to then.  The desire is diminished.

Intangible Qualities in Life

Happiness comes from those things in life we cannot buy or touch.  So why do I make the point that one should desire wealth?  As the title suggests, the reason is because money equals freedom.  Those with massive amounts of money can do things others cannot.  This is where the life experienced is enhanced.

The most important aspect of this idea is the concept of time.  This is the one thing in life that none of us can control.  We all have 24 hours in a day and a certain number of days on this planet.  There is nothing anyone can do to alter that.  Sure one can shorten the lifespan by engaging in activities which are detrimental to one's health.  However, as of yet, nobody really figured out a way to expand the number of days an individual has on this planet.  Therefore, time is an element we must focus upon.

Having a massive amount of money allows one to have time freedom.  This is the most important factor I can relate to you.  Most people spend at least 1/3 of their week engaged in work.  While this is a part of life, most are involved in activities which are unrewarding.  Thus, an individual is spending 2/3 his or her life working and sleeping.  Couple in commuting, running of errands, and preparing for work and you can see how one is left with little time.  We notice a similar routine on the weekends when one spends his or her time running around handling things which were overlooked during the week or trying to recover from the stress of the workweek.  To me, none of this signifies freedom.

Freedom is the state where one is able to spend his or her time as he or she sees fit.  Obviously, there are times in life where we must do something (heading to grandmas for Christmas dinner as an example).  However, when one sacrifices 1/3 of life for a paycheck, that person is not free.  Therefore, one needs to develop wealth so as to be able to engage in activities when he or she sees fit. 

Another aspect of this comes in the form of creativity.  When one is not working for a paycheck, then that person if free to create.  People have an assortment of interests which they never have time for.  For many, once wealth is achieved, these interests are suddenly available.  Whether it is a hobby such as playing an instrument or something that can earn one money like writing or painting, a person is now free to follow that path.  It is not possible when one is spending a vast amount of time slaving away for a check at the end of two weeks.

Desiring more simply means that you are going to take your life to another level in terms of your experience on this planet.  It does not imply that one is going to accumulate a large amount of material possessions.  These are not what provides the satisfaction.  Instead of following that path, a person who is wise will seek to expand the experiences that are had.  This is where one reaches fulfillment.  Again, it can be in the form of travel, learning something of interest, or spending time with family which otherwise would not be possible.  When one is wealthy, he or she has the freedom to do any of these things.

There is one final thought I must bring up.  Not all wealthy people are free.  There are some who are so consumed with the path to the top that the accumulation of wealth becomes an addiction.  At the same time, many are filled with the fear of losing money that they too are enslaved by it.  We always need to keep money in its proper perspective.  It is a vehicle.  Do not worship it nor fear it.  Use it as a path to freedom and you will realize how life can be truly magical.

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